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Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative. What is cybersecurity all about? A successful cybersecurity approach has multiple layers of protection spread across the computers, networks, programs, or data that one intends to keep safe. In an organization, the people, processes, and technology must all complement one another to create an effective defense from cyber attacks. A unified threat management system can automate integrations across select Cisco Security products and accelerate key security operations functions: detection, investigation, and remediation. People Users must understand ...
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Magento 2.3 Admin panel blank issue

After the Installation of Magento from the composer, we cannot access the admin panel. Also, the deploy command doesn't work. (On Windows 10 OS). Note: Magento 2.3 supports Linux OS. Windows and Mac OS is not supported. This is a Magento bug. Wrong paths to Windows are generated. The fixed fix is Magento 2.3.0 - 2.3.3 #/vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/Template/File/Validator.php:140 the string if (0 === strpos($realPath, $directory)) {     return true; } to replace $realDirectory = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($directory); if (0 === strpos($realPath, $realDirectory)) {    return true; } Magento 2.2.7 /vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/Template/File/Validator.php:113 code protected function isPathInDirectories($path, $directories) {     if (!is_array($directories)) {         $directories = (array)$directories;     }     foreach ($directories as $directory) {   ...

Error on payment method when placing order "No Such Entity With Cart ID"

No Such Entity With Cart ID Error on payment method when placing order. If you receive the error message " No such entity. ", " No such entity with " or "No such entity with  customerId,OrderId " in Magento 2, the issue usually occurred when you try to load not existing object via Magento 2 Repository Class. To debug this issue, please open the file vendor/magento/framework/Exception/NoSuchEntityException.php and at the beginning of the  __construct  method temporary add debug backtrace code: foreach ( debug_backtrace () as $_stack ) { echo ( $_stack [ "file" ] ? $_stack [ "file" ] : '' ) . ':' . ( $_stack [ "line" ] ? $_stack [ "line" ] : '' ) . ' - ' . ( $_stack [ "function" ] ? $_stack [ "function" ] : '' ); } exit (); example: public function __construct ( Phrase $phrase = null , \...

Prestashop SEO friendly URL

E-commerce sites must be secure to accomplish online transactions. For making the transaction secure, one of the important elements  is making the site URL secure. Secure URL means the url has https instead of http. We need to add the security certificate on the site to make it secure. Also, we need to configure the PrestaShop for this. After making the URL secure (https), we need to redirect the old URLs to the new ones. For that, we need to add this script on htaccess to redirect all requests to secure URL. SetEnv HTTPS On <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> <IfModule mod_env.c> SetEnv HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On </IfModule> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301,NC]

Prestashop Add canonical and hreflang for multi-language website

The cannonical and hreflang tags are useful if our store is multi-language. It avoids duplication of url for each store and helps the site SEO by mentioning the url of different languages. This will indicate to the google crawlers which is the alternative link for each languages and / or geographical areas where the online store and the canonical url of the product are available, category, manufacturer list, which in many cases will be very useful. We can add the cannonical and hreflang tags on prestashop at the header.tpl template file. The template files are under theme/yourthemename folder. The following code needs to be added inside the head section: { if $ page_name == 'category' } <link rel = "canonical" href = "{$ link-> getCategoryLink ($ smarty.get.id_category, null, $ id_lang, null, null)}" />  { if $ languages | @ count > 1 } { foreach $ languages as $ lang } <link rel = "alternate" hreflang = "{$ lang.iso_...

Postman Makes API Development Simple.

Postman Makes API Development Simple. Developers can use Postman to build modern software for the API-first world. There are methods like get, post, delete, view etc. Examples: 1. Get basic feeds from instagram api.     Type: No Auth (No authorization key needed.) 2. Get mailchimp stores.    Type: Basic Auth (We need to enter the api key as password)

Magento zip code limit validation

By Default Magento give number of validation just need to use the class name.Its easy find the html tag where their is mobile number html and add a class attribute to that input type and under the class add the following classes  "validate-length maximum-length-10 minimum-length-10 validate-digits" validate-length maximum-length-10 minimum-length-10 validate-digits Reference: